Dare to Dream
When MUN club went around to recruit and advertise, they mentioned their participation in the yearly World MUN, and it was to be in The Hague, Netherlands. I immediately told myself that I will join the club and will attend World MUN, however hard it may be for me. I've always wanted to go to Europe, and this was my chance to fulfill it in a diplomatic and academic way.
There were originally 25 people who signed up for World MUN, but I kept on hearing people dropping out that I felt I was going to be the only one (I was actually fine if I was the only one from York). In the end there were 3, including me. I was at first a bit disappointed that we are going as a smaller delegation, but really it's not the size of the delegation that determines the fun of the trip, right?
Dare to Enjoy
Before I left, I was really concerned about the work I am leaving behind. I had requested extension for two papers, but I was scared that after this trip I was unable to concentrate. However, I told myself, it was the first time in Europe, in World MUN, and I'm going to see old friends again. I must not worry about the things back home. Must enjoy.
I was really fortunate to have my friend Rowan and his family offering me their house in The Hague to stay during the conference. No pennies spent on accommodation. How blessed am I! Not only that, his aunt, uncle, and grandpa visited the family during my visit. I felt like I was adopted into a new family, ha!
Before the conference started, Rowan's parents took us around the country side and most of all, Delft, the small town that is known for its porcelain and connection to the Dutch Royal Family. I was really grateful that they treated me food during those trips.
When the conference kicked off, it was committee sessions after sessions, parties after parties. I practically slept like 5 hours everyday. It was exhaustive, but it did worth it! I must say I have to give a lot of credit to the host team for organizing so many fun events every night. I don't think I know how they did it. It must have been really stressful too!
Dare to Be Inspired
With 2500 people attending this conference, you definitely will find future leaders, diplomats, and your own personal inspiration. I have been very honoured to have attended this conference and to have met so many people that have inspired me. Here are just a few that I'd love to share.
The Venezuelans
Honestly, contrary to media portrayal, the Venezuelans in this conference are all anti-Chavez. I've met two Venezuelan students while I was in Montreal, and it was definitely nice to see them again. In addition, they also introduced me to their other delegations. Quite frankly, there were about 3-5 Venezuelan universities represented in the conference, and each school won at least two awards. It's amazing. Whenever I'm in the committee sessions, the Venezuelans are always the ones eager to speak and to approach other delegates on draft resolutions. They seriously deserved it, and I have learned a lot about good performance in the conference. It would definitely nice to see them again in the future.
United States Military Academy
What can I say? Every student in this school is a born leader. It's amazing how much confidence and wisdom they project whenever they speak on the floor. One of them is a friend of mine, Cristin Browne. I got to know her in my committee in McGill MUN Conference. It was my first conference, and I honestly learned so much about MUN performance and procedure by observing her. Whenever she talks, you'll definitely listen. She won the best delegate in McGill, and again at World MUN. If you want inspiration, just listen to her speak. It will be awesome to meet these West Point students again in the future, and I believe they'll all be successful.
The African Americans from Gio-jah!
They must have been the happiest group of delegates in the entire conference. I was somewhat not expecting about 3-4 schools all just from Gerogia (and all blacks too, lol!) One school in specific, Moorehouse College I think, had different dress code each day. One day, the guys would all wear suspenders; the next day, bowties. The girls had ribbons in their hair; the next day, on their waist. They were really warm, funny, and approachable in and out of the committees. Although neither school won an award, they definitely enjoyed the most of all the schools at the conference.